a Programs and fees2024-09-27T14:47:57+00:00


Football development and High School program


Kaptiva Sports Academy provides different programs throughout our season. Our programs are aimed at creating one of a kind experiences for players to create football developmental and personal growth during their time with us. Please check below to learn all about our options and which is the best fit for you.


Players from 12 to 17

September to June


Players from 12 to 17

January to June


Players from 11 to 17

July 2025


Players from 12 to 17



  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • Full season competition games

  • One on one follow up sessions 

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Stress and medical test upon arrival

  • Pre-season training program

  • Physiotherapist sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses 

  • Participation in reputed tournaments

  • National Training Clinic with a pro team within Spain

  • International Training Clinic with a pro team within Europe

  • Full training kit

  • Full clothing equipment kit 

  • Tuition and enrollment to AESA Prep high school program at International School

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • Breakfast,lunch,snack & dinner
  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • All transportations to KSA league games and tournaments or activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Visa application assistance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates



  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • Full season competition games

  • One on one follow up sessions 

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Stress and medical test upon arrival

  • Physiotherapist sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses 

  • Participation in reputed tournaments

  • National Training Clinic with a pro team within Spain

  • International Training Clinic with a pro team within Europe

  • Full training kit

  • Full clothing equipment kit 

  • Tuition and enrollment to AESA Prep high school program at International School

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • Breakfast,lunch,snack & dinner
  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • All transportations to KSA league games and tournaments or activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Visa application assistance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates


  • Intensive Camp training sessions
  • Position focused training sessions

  • One on one follow up sessions

  • Player progress report

  • Video analysis sessions

  • Sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses

  • Full training kit

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • Breakfast,lunch,snack & dinner
  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates


  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • One on one follow up sessions

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Training kit

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • Breakfast,lunch,snack & dinner
  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates

FROM 495€



Players from 13 to 17

September to June


Players from 13 to 17

January to June


Players from 11 to 17

July 2025


Players from 12 to 17



  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • Full season competition games

  • One on one follow up sessions 

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Stress and medical test upon arrival

  • Pre-season training program

  • Physiotherapist sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses 

  • Participation in reputed tournaments

  • National Training Clinic with a pro team within Spain

  • International Training Clinic with a pro team within Europe

  • Full training kit

  • Full clothing equipment kit 

  • Tuition and enrollment to AESA Prep high school program at International School

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • All meals and snacks

  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • All transportations to KSA league games and tournaments or activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Visa application assistance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates



  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • Full season competition games

  • One on one follow up sessions 

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Stress and medical test upon arrival

  • Physiotherapist sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses 

  • Participation in reputed tournaments

  • National Training Clinic with a pro team within Spain

  • International Training Clinic with a pro team within Europe

  • Full training kit

  • Full clothing equipment kit 

  • Tuition and enrollment to AESA Prep high school program at International School

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • All meals and snacks

  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • All transportations to KSA league games and tournaments or activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Visa application assistance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates


  • Intensive Camp training sessions
  • Position focused training sessions

  • One on one follow up sessions

  • Player progress report

  • Video analysis sessions

  • Sports psychology sessions

  • Sports nutrition guidance

  • Masterclasses

  • Full training kit

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • All meals and snacks

  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Cultural Activities

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates


  • Three to four club training days per week

  • Position focused training sessions

  • One on one follow up sessions

  • Player progress reports

  • Weekly video analysis sessions

  • Weekly sports psychology sessions

  • Training kit

  • Accommodation in ensuite double room in modern living residence

  • All meals and snacks

  • Room cleaning service twice a week

  • Laundry Service

  • Welcome Pack

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Full medical insurance

  • Airports transfers on program specified dates

FROM 495€



1- What level of soccer do I need to attend the program?
The Academy looks for young talented players, serious about soccer that will take advantage of this great opportunity. Players must qualify by sending in a current soccer résumé that will be analyzed by the Academy Coaches. All prospective players will have to attend a trial either in Barcelona or any of its official locations.

2- Where do all the trainings take place?
The training sessions take place at the European International School Sports Center training facilities and surrounding facilities.

3- How do you set up the practice groups?
Each participant will be evaluated in order to place him in the category (age) and level that he belongs to, like this he will be able to compete at his maximum level. Morning training works on the individual skills, afternoon training focuses on general group training.

4- The practice field, is it natural grass or artificial turf?
Artificial turf only.

5-What language coaches will speak?
The Academy coaches will combine English and Spanish to make player get used to Spanish, especially on the soccer terms.

6- Are parents allowed to visit during training?
Parents can visit training sessions if they don’t interfere in the process of the program. Please inform us prior your visit for morning practice.

7- How do you combine training and studies?
The Academic studies adapt to the necessities of the athlete, so the schedule is adapted to let the players do double training session without interfering in the regular academic studies.

8- Where the studies take place?
Players are enrolled to an International School. School name is European International School of Barcelona, you can check the school information at: www.europais.net

9- Are the studies certified anyhow?
Participants will follow the official American High School diploma so validations are easy to deal with. Apart, the School is an official IGCSE and SAT examination center. Participants will have no problem to continue their studies upon arrival or departure.

10- How you make school groups?
The groups will be made based on their age and studies. Once a player register, he has to send us the last three school grades. For the non-English native participants, an English language certification (IELTS) will be required. Reduced groups will facilitate the close supervision to ensure the quality of the education.

11- How it works the educational equivalency?

Spanish British USA/CAN French German
2 ESO Year 9 Grade 8 Quatrième Klasse 8
3 ESO Year 10 Grade 9 Troisième Klasse 9
4 ESO Year 11 Grade 10 Seconde Klasse 10
1 Bach Year 12 Grade 11 Première Klasse 11

The academic year in Spain is divided in three terms:

  • 1st Term: September – December
  • 2nd Term: January – March
  • 3rd Term: April – June

12- In which language the subjects will be given?
Subjects will be given in English. Spanish language will be taken as a mandatory “optative” subject.

13- When starts the academic year?
The Academic year starts on September and goes through mid-June. There is a stop for Christmas holidays and Easter. During Christmas holidays the residence will be closed.

14- If the English level is not the adequate for American studies?
You can enroll on the language studies bases. Same academic schedule will be applied with specific language classes. We have English and Spanish languages available.

15- What other activities are besides training?
Between the several trainings sessions, school classes and school assignments there is no much time left for extra activities. During those days that the players have no school, the supervisors organize activities to break with the daily routine.

16- Do you have telephone at the residence?
The residence has a telephone available for incoming calls. It also have an emergency number available. All residence use their own phones to communicate with family and friends, WIFI is available at the whole residence.

17- Are cell phones allowed all the time during the program?
Cell phones have to be left at the residence room during school hours. Phones can be used during the participants’ free time.

18-When is the best time to call?
We strongly recommend you once you know your son’s specific schedule to call during participants’ free time.

19- How can I contact the Academy staff?
You can call the office anytime. We will provide you with the coordinator contact number, residence number and emergency number.

20- Are any forbidden items at the Academy?
Alcohol, drugs and tobacco are strictly forbidden during the program. Any possession of illegal substances will be subject to immediate expulsion.

21- How do you manage a participant misbehavior?
Participants must respect the other participants and staff and follow the daily planning and the basic rules. Any serious misbehavior will be subject to immediate expulsion. Parent or Guardian will be immediately notified and will have to purchase the return ticket.

22- How is the accommodation? How do you assign the rooms?
Double rooms to be shared with same age participants with en-suite bathrooms.

23- Are sheets/pillows provided by the residence?
The residence provides towel, sheets and pillows that are changed once a week. We recommend taking at least one personal towel.

24- Is there internet access for participants to send email to their parents?
There is Wifi available on the whole residence.

25- How about the meals at the residence?
Participants will have breakfast and dinner at the residence and lunch at school. There is the option of special diet if specified by parents.

26- Are parents allowed to visit during the program duration?
Parents can visit participants on the residence under previous notice and in a specific schedule for not to disturb the routine of program. We ask relatives to respect school and training schedule during the visit.

27- How many participants are allowed at the academic soccer program?
Due to quality reasons, spaces are limited.

28- When participants have to arrive/departure?
Participants must arrive during the first week of September. There is a break during Christmas holidays where participants go back home.
The program last until the end of June.
1 week Program: Any week from October to May

29- How do you manage an underage traveling alone?
When you purchase the airline ticket you have to specify to the airline that there will be and underage traveling alone and they will get you the details on what to do. There is an extra airline charge for this service; you must pay the full amount for the round trip.
We will facilitate you the needed information on the adult who will pick up the participant at the airport in order to facilitate the information to the airline.

30- How does the airport transfer work?
All the participants are pick up at the airport unless specificity by the family members. A member from our staff will be at the airport, well identified waiting for the participant. Same procedure for departures.

31- Do I need a student visa?
If you decided to come for the annual program and you are from outside the UE a student visa will be required. We will facilitate you the invitation letter and all necessary documents to process the visa requirements. We recommend starting this process the sooner the better since it takes a while to complete all the requirements for the visa acceptance.

32- Do I need inoculations?
No inoculations are required when traveling between Europe, the United States or Canada and Spain. We will need the participant’s vaccination records, as it is a school requirement.

33- Does the price include the airfare?
No, it does not, you are in charge to get the flight tickets, you must give us all the information of the arrival/departure in order to arrange the airport transfers.

34- How much money should I give to my son?
No money is necessary for the program development. We recommend just money for incidental things like, basic items, souvenirs and miscellaneous or extra activities your son might want to do.

35- Do I need to get insurance?
We do process insurance for participants in case of an emergency but we strongly encourage you to purchase cancellation and interruption insurance and additional health insurance to protect against financial loss from unforeseen accidents, illness, and/or loss of baggage.
For any other questions or concerns please contact us: info@kaptivasportsacademy.com


Annual program
September to June
13 to 17 years old
6 months program
January to June
13 to 17 years old
Trials program
Any week during the season
11 to 17 years old
Football Summer camp
SESSION 1: June 28th to July 11th, 2025
SESSION 2: July 12th to July 25th, 2025
SESSION 1 & 2: June 28th to July 25th, 2025
11 to 17 years old


Football ProgramAgesDatesMore InformationApply now
Annual Program12 to 17 years oldSeptember to JuneMore InfoApply now
6 Months Program12 to 17 years oldJanuary to JuneMore InfoApply now
Trials Academy Program12 to 17 years oldSeptember to JuneMore InfoApply now
Summer Camp Session 12009-2014June 28th to July 11th, 2025More InfoApply now
Summer Camp Session 22009-2014July 12th to July 25th, 2025More InfoApply now
Summer Camp Sessions 1 & 22009-2014June 28th to July 25th, 2025More InfoApply now


“Matt experiences both on and off the soccer field have been more than a dream come true for him”

Mr. & Ms. Landry (KSA parents)

“Kaptiva has aided me in setting up my future by offering a wide variety of options for development and success throughout all different age categories.”

Aguistin Spaan (KSA Player)

“In the past year KSA has been a stepping stone towards success. They allow you to express yourself on the pitch as well as off the pitch. KSA gave me the opportunity to find out what level I’m at, measuring myself with professional teams around the world, getting to experience many different cultures from around the world.

Kwinda (KSA player)

“Amazing experience and quality program!”

Jose D'Oliveira (KSA player)

“Let me express my gratitude for Kaptiva, the whole team, thank you!
Just dropped my son at the residence, his eyes were bright and so happy to be back. That’s truly all a mother and a father wants for their child, a happy soul. He is looking forward to achieving the best he can be.
We were greeted by a wonderful team, a warm welcoming!
Every little single detail in the residence was thought of carefully, one can tell straight away. Everything was perfect, and I mean it, perfect.
And let’s get started with a brilliant year, lots of hard work, laughs and success to all ☀️⚽️?”

Katia Miyazawa (KSA parent)

“My son has just returned from Kaptiva after 12 months there. It was the best experience of his life to date. He loved the school, the fellow students, the training and the games. I can not recommend it highly enough. Being from Australia, it was a difficult decision to make to send my 15 year old so far away but he was so well cared for and supported, and learnt so much about soccer, that I would do it all again if i could.”

Donns Cook (KSA parent)

“Our son Yannick joined Kaptiva Sports Academy in september 2019. Expectations were very high after he passed the trials, earlier in March. And these high expectations were all met! The programme was excellent, the young staff matey but firm. As his parents we felt comfortable to leave Yannick in their hands.
Unfortunately Yannick tore his cruciate ligament early in the season, and we thought that that was the end of his Kaptiva adventure. Thanks to the tremendous effort of the staff, he had surgery by the best team he could get (the surgeons of FC Barcelona, thanks to Figi) and was coached throughout most of his revalidation, until Corona forced him to go home.  We have seen Yannick grow as a person, become mentally stronger.
Last year turned out differently than expected, but we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Thanks Kaptiva!”

Cynthia casper Hengstman (KSA parent)

“The Academy provides an opportunity for our son to pursue his dream of a Footballer, while continuing his schooling in an English environment at the same site with first class facilities. The Academy also provides valuable exposure and our son had the privilege to participate in the MIC tournament and to visit world class Football Clubs / facilities such as Valencia, Sevilla and Manchester (both City and United). Based on our experience, we strongly recommend KAPTIVA to anyone wishing to give their child the opportunity of pursuing their Football dream”

Caby and Lana Cabanelas (KSA parents)

“The bottom line is that if you are looking for an intensive soccer program in a safe environment (Sant Cugat is a great little town), run by caring, dedicated professionals, we would highly recommend Kaptiva Sports Academy “

Carolina Robbio (KSA parents)

“Kaptiva Sports Academy is highly recommended. Three years of training with the Spanish soccer way, improvement as a footballer is very good. Also growing as a person is something they all learn. We are very satisfied with the school, living arrangement and the soccer sessions…”

Bård Karlsen (KSA parent)

“My son has just returned from Kaptiva after 12 months there. It was the best experience of his life to date. He loved the school, the fellow students, the training and the games. I can not recommend it highly enough. Being from Australia, it was a difficult decision to make to send my 15 year old so far away but he was so well cared for and supported, and learnt so much about soccer, that I would do it all again if i could”

Donns Cook (KSA parent)


still have doubts?

Visit our FAQ section to find quick answers to our most common questions. If you need to talk to a Kaptiva Sports Academy representative, please feel free to call us or shoot us an email via the contact form below.



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