New excursion, new adventure. Kids enjoy the weekend skiing, although some of them tried to learn. This has been another of our weekend activities, so that the kids can disconnect.
We have already told you about some of these weekend activities, which help us to get the kids together and get off the football pitch. In the end, it’s also about strengthening friendships and having a great day together.
Skiing in La Molina ski resort
Last Saturday was the day of the excursion, and we went to the resort of La Molina, in Girona. Specifically, it is located in Cerdanya, in the Catalan Pyrenees.
It is a resort with several ski slopes, and the weather and snow conditions were optimal, so the kids were able to enjoy the day. Not all of them knew how to ski, so some of them had to take some lessons.
Those who did, went with one of our tutors, Jordi, to other slopes. There they were able to demonstrate their level, although not without avoiding the odd fall. Even so, there were no incidents and everyone returned to KSA in one piece.
Enjoying before the MIC
All these activities come before the Mediterranean International Cup. This tournament, which we have already mentioned, takes place from 15 to 18 April. Until then, and also afterwards, the boys combine training and excursions.
But when the day comes, the boys will have to demonstrate on the field everything they have learnt and trained for. This high-level tournament will bring them up against great teams that will be a major challenge.
The aim of Kaptiva Sports Academy
Kaptiva Sports Academy is a residential football program in Barcelona, Spain for international footballers between the ages of 12 -18. We want the boys to learn with the Kaptiva methodology, but also to have fun.
After all, they are at an important stage of their learning and growth. Therefore, we not only focus on what they learn on the pitch, but also on how they develop off the pitch.
That’s why we put special emphasis on our psychology sessions and weekend excursions. Kids enjoy the weekend skiing, but we also take great care of the coexistence in the residence, and we have recently introduced the KSA Cards system.
If you have any questions about our programmes or activities, you can visit our website or contact us at any time.