Escuela internacional en Barcelona

Los mejores jugadores pueden vivir su sueño de jugar en una academia de fútbol de élite. Barcelona es una de las capitales mundiales del fútbol en Europa. Un gran entorno para desarrollar tus habilidades futbolísticas mientras vives en el mejor internado de España.
Nuestro internado en España tiene todo lo necesario para pasar un año maravilloso con otros jugadores como tú. Si quieres estudiar en Barcelona encontrarás un gran entorno y una hermosa residencia.
Si estás pensando en venir a Europa, obtendrás la mejor experiencia gracias a un increíble internado creado para ayudar a los jugadores a desarrollarse mientras estudian su programa de bachillerato.

La residencia de Kaptiva Sports Academy en Barcelona se hizo exclusivamente para dar servicio a nuestros jugadores. Los atletas tienen el privilegio de vivir en una instalación con todo incluido con su residencia, escuela académica y campo de entrenamiento en el mismo campus.
El campo de origen de KSA está directamente debajo de la residencia junto al comedor del campus. Vivir en Kaptiva Sports Academy enseña a los jugadores la independencia y la responsabilidad, que son cruciales para las carreras profesionales.

Los estudiantes deportistas de élite requieren flexibilidad, gestión del tiempo y responsabilidad propia. El programa AESA Prep proporcionado por la European International School of Barcelona permite a nuestros jugadores tener un plan de estudios de aprendizaje combinado que combina el trabajo en el aula y en línea.
Este programa es utilizado por atletas de alto rendimiento en todo el mundo. El programa aprobado por la NCAA sigue el plan de estudios estadounidense para los grados 8º a 12º.

Kaptiva Sports Academy crea el entorno perfecto para desarrollar futbolistas completos. El trabajo en equipo y el espíritu deportivo son el trampolín para generar confianza en el campo y ayudar a tener éxito en situaciones de juego.
Este programa es utilizado por atletas de alto rendimiento y proporciona un plan de estudios para los grados 8 al 12.

Kaptiva Sports Academy ofrece diferentes programas a lo largo de nuestra temporada. Nuestros programas están destinados a crear experiencias únicas para que los jugadores creen el desarrollo futbolístico y el crecimiento personal durante su tiempo con nosotros. Consulte a continuación para conocer todas nuestras opciones y cuál es la mejor opción para usted.

Campus verano |
SESION 1: June 30th to July 13th, 2024 |
SESION 2: July 15th to July 28th, 2024 |
SESION 1 & 2: June 30th to July 28th, 2024 |
11 a 17 años |


“Matt experiences both on and off the soccer field have been more than a dream come true for him”

“Kaptiva has aided me in setting up my future by offering a wide variety of options for development and success throughout all different age categories.”

“In the past year KSA has been a stepping stone towards success. They allow you to express yourself on the pitch as well as off the pitch. KSA gave me the opportunity to find out what level I’m at, measuring myself with professional teams around the world, getting to experience many different cultures from around the world.

“Amazing experience and quality program!”

“Let me express my gratitude for Kaptiva, the whole team, thank you!
Just dropped my son at the residence, his eyes were bright and so happy to be back. That’s truly all a mother and a father wants for their child, a happy soul. He is looking forward to achieving the best he can be.
We were greeted by a wonderful team, a warm welcoming!
Every little single detail in the residence was thought of carefully, one can tell straight away. Everything was perfect, and I mean it, perfect.
And let’s get started with a brilliant year, lots of hard work, laughs and success to all ☀️⚽️?”

“My son has just returned from Kaptiva after 12 months there. It was the best experience of his life to date. He loved the school, the fellow students, the training and the games. I can not recommend it highly enough. Being from Australia, it was a difficult decision to make to send my 15 year old so far away but he was so well cared for and supported, and learnt so much about soccer, that I would do it all again if i could.”

“Our son Yannick joined Kaptiva Sports Academy in september 2019. Expectations were very high after he passed the trials, earlier in March. And these high expectations were all met! The programme was excellent, the young staff matey but firm. As his parents we felt comfortable to leave Yannick in their hands.
Unfortunately Yannick tore his cruciate ligament early in the season, and we thought that that was the end of his Kaptiva adventure. Thanks to the tremendous effort of the staff, he had surgery by the best team he could get (the surgeons of FC Barcelona, thanks to Figi) and was coached throughout most of his revalidation, until Corona forced him to go home. We have seen Yannick grow as a person, become mentally stronger.
Last year turned out differently than expected, but we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Thanks Kaptiva!”

“The Academy provides an opportunity for our son to pursue his dream of a Footballer, while continuing his schooling in an English environment at the same site with first class facilities. The Academy also provides valuable exposure and our son had the privilege to participate in the MIC tournament and to visit world class Football Clubs / facilities such as Valencia, Sevilla and Manchester (both City and United). Based on our experience, we strongly recommend KAPTIVA to anyone wishing to give their child the opportunity of pursuing their Football dream”

“The bottom line is that if you are looking for an intensive soccer program in a safe environment (Sant Cugat is a great little town), run by caring, dedicated professionals, we would highly recommend Kaptiva Sports Academy “

“Kaptiva Sports Academy is highly recommended. Three years of training with the Spanish soccer way, improvement as a footballer is very good. Also growing as a person is something they all learn. We are very satisfied with the school, living arrangement and the soccer sessions…”

“My son has just returned from Kaptiva after 12 months there. It was the best experience of his life to date. He loved the school, the fellow students, the training and the games. I can not recommend it highly enough. Being from Australia, it was a difficult decision to make to send my 15 year old so far away but he was so well cared for and supported, and learnt so much about soccer, that I would do it all again if i could”

Más jugadores renovados 2021-2022
Jon Redzepi Menudo jugón! Jon es el jugador que ha mejorado más desde que llego a Kaptiva Sports Academy. Su año ha sido simplemente espectacular donde ha sido el dueño [...]
Dos jugadores más que renuevan para la temporada 2021-2022
Alejandro Moreno Gran temporada de Alejandro! Máximo goleador del equipo. Tiene la capacidad de ir al espacio y ganar la posición utilizando muy bien su cuerpo. Ha dado un paso [...]
Dos renovaciones más para la temporada 2021-2022
Chat Charikanonda Hat-trick! Se confirma que Chat hará su tercera temporada en Kaptiva. Desde el principio encajó a la perfección en KSA y por eso nuestro capitán es un ejemplo [...]
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+34 931 59 72 67
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