Our Kaptiva Sports Nutritionist, Leticia Bravo, hosted another session for our #KaptivaAtHome series. The topic was healthy snacks vs store-bought processed snacks, focusing on a worldwide favorite that is cookies.

There are two types of main sugars in cookies, natural like the ones found in fruit or added sugar that is found in additional sweeteners which might be refined or not refined. Our bodies don’t process added or processed sugars correctly and should be avoided when possible. According to the World Health Organization, our bodies can process about 25 grams of sugar daily and it should be more than 5% of our daily calorie intake. Once we surpass this is our body starts to have negative effects and can affect your other nutrients.

Let’s talk about cookies. Store-bought cookies tend to be ultra-processed filled with tons of added nonessential sugars. The snacks are not as filling, making you eat more and before you know it you have eaten half a packet and feel sluggish. The cookies don’t have nutritional benefits for you therefore was empty calories and sugars. Swap these processed sugars for homemade cookies where you decide the sweeteners you want to add. Ripe bananas are a great way to add natural sugar in your baked goods! Start your homemade cookies with a base of banans and oatmeal to have more filling and healthy snacks. Homemade cookies can be vehicles of healthy fat and sugar that you need as part of an athlete diet.

Processed sugars give you instant energy but also cause you a fast descend and make you more sluggish rapidly. Healthier cookies or snacks don’t cause an instant peak but create a longer-lasting energy to help athletes keep energy up through practices, matches, etc. Below find some of Leticia’s recipes for easy homemade cookies that are great to be used as snacks during and off the soccer season!

Coconut Banana Oatmeal cookies

2 ripe bananas
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 egg
50g shredded coconut
50-60g rolled oats
Cinnamon (optional)


Mash the banans with a fork in a bowl.
Add the tablespoon of coconut oil and egg to the bowl. Mix the ingredients together.
Add the shredded coconut and rolled oats. Stir until the dough is thoroughly combined.
Grab a spoonful of the dough and create cookie shape. Place on a sheet tray lined with parchment paper.
You can add blueberries, chocolate chips, or cinnamon as toppings.
Put in oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 Celcius degrees.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

2 ripe bananas
80g rolled oats
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Cocoa powder


Mash the banans with a fork in a bowl.
Add the tablespoons of peanut butter to the bowl. Mix the ingredients together.
Add the cocoa powder and rolled oats. Stir until the dough is thoroughly combined.
Grab a spoonful of the dough and create cookie shape. Place on a sheet tray lined with parchment paper.
You can add blueberries, chocolate chips, or cinnamon as toppings.
Put in oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 Celcius degrees.